A new communication app for tenants and landlords created to reinvent rental property management and make it much more streamlined.
About the project
Proper renders any essential housework super-easy by bringing landlords, their tenants, and third-party contractors into a single mobile app where they can align their efforts.
Real Estate
Type of project
Web and mobile solution
7 month
Business Goals
Proper team addressed us with the task to create an all-native powerful multifunctional property management software entrusting us with full responsibility for the technical side of the project as well as the UX/UI.
The goal of a Proper app is to make communication between landlords and tenants as easy, effective and quick as possible in order to solve issues arising at the renting space. Proper team invented the project that would eventually change the rental with the mobile app that would unite everyone involved in property management at this scale.
Together with us, they’ve created the rental property management mobile app that would help tenants easily communicate any issues that come around, remind the landlords about their pending requests and hire professionals to resolve these problems.
Key Challenges
Develop highly-functioning and accessible UI/UX design with intuitive user experience
End-to-end encryption for communication content
Connecting three parties in the consolidated communication process
Payment system integration within the app
Thanks to strong expertise in real estate app development our engineers and UX designers have delivered a fluid mobile app for tenants and landlords.
We’ve managed to predict and cover all the user flows required to fulfill the needs of our client base. Both tenant and landlord go through a fairly similar SMS register/login process.
Our team came up with an idea of using Firebase Realtime. It allows us to easily create active shortened SMS links which log the user into the mobile app right away. In case they don’t have it installed, the link automatically takes them to the App Store or Google Play page.

We’ve added a possibility to easily download photos in order to report an issue. Thus, the tenant can take a photo describing the problem or upload it from the galley. Afterward, they need to choose the category of the issue from the available classification menu. Then, fill in the details describing it along with the address of residence and send it to the landlord.
Google Map integration allows users to display location that lets them make sure they’ve entered the right address. It also helps contractors to find the place effortlessly.

If one landlord has multiple properties rented by tenants, they can be viewed in a single unified list. In order to prevent any confusion, the owner re-enters and confirms the address that the tenant had specified in the maintenance request. In the end, this matching address will be sent to the contractor.
Landlords can add contractors to their list, so that when the issue arises, they can quickly share it, so that the contractor could view it and take the job right away. When it’s complete, contractors can send the invoice from within the app which supports direct debit card payments.

We’re proud to be a part of SmartStarts success.
42 000 monthly
Active Users in the first quarter
36 000 requests
created in the first quarter
12 000 requests
enlisted in the first quarter
Key features
Taking images right within the app or uploading them from the gallery
Live Chat
A single hub for all parties communication
Notifications with the issue’s progress
Creating an issue for the landlord and the contractor
Landlord profile with multiple properties list and issues’ coordination within the profile
Database of contractors within the app
Processing invoices upon completed work orders
Payment integration
The team behind the project
Since the Proper team wanted to develop iOS and Android apps at once, we needed a strong team of software developers. There were five of them involved – front-end, back-end, iOS and Android. As the architecture of the project had to be complex, yet seamlessly working, we’ve added Senior Software Architect to the team.
The team was managed by the Project Manager experienced in developing highly functioning mobile apps. QA specialists provided manual and automated testing to assure the platform worked smoothly.
Product Manager and a team of UI/UX designers made sure the user experience is accessible, practical and effortless.
Tech Stack
Our engineering team chose AWS for cloud storage and MySQL as the main database. Swift with Kotlin for developing iOS and Android apps respectively.
We’ve also integrated Google Maps & Places to choose the address in the app. And Firebase for quick and easy login.
Google Maps & Places
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